Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Ben is home!

Ben is a senior Bichon mix that came into PPR care from the island of St Lucia after tragedy left him homeless.  From his photos one could see he had hair loss along his back, and was matted and unkempt; it was also apparent from the pictures he had serious cataracts so his vision would be greatly impaired. Ben made it to the US and into PPR care, where he was evaluated and treated by PPR’s veterinary partners and then placed into foster care for some much needed rest and TLC.  Adopter Judy had recently lost her beloved dog, Bob (a PPR alum), and just knew she needed to adopt again to heal her heart.  She agreed to foster Ben and it didn’t take them long to fall madly in love!  Ben has already made friends in the neighborhood and often spends tie with the neighbor’s dog, Bailey. Welcome home, Ben!

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