Belle Pupdate
We immediately rushed her from the shelter to our vetting partner for triage and trauma care. Dr. Peters confirmed it was a bullet wound, the bullet entered her side behind her shoulder, hit her shoulder blade fracturing it (confirmed on radiographs), before bouncing off and exiting behind her neck.
She was stable and we started her immediately on pain meds, antibiotics, IV fluids, syringe feedings, shaved her wound areas, cleaned the wounds, and did regular bandage changes and inspections. She was in stable condition and resting last night.
We are sad to say that sweet Belle succumbed to her injuries early this morning. She passed away peacefully in her sleep. The trauma and infection were simply too much for her. And while her will was strong, her body was just too weak to endure such malicious trauma. It is sad and frustrating and heartbreaking and we feel all the emotions at once.
BUT, we focus on the good โ the county employees who found her and cared for her on her way to the shelter, the staff who reached out for emergency help so she at least had a chance, the staff at East Orlando Animal Hospital for jumping into action on a busy Saturday afternoon, and to all our supporters and donors who sent their love, their well wishes, their thoughts, and their prayers.
She may have been the victim of cruelty, but in the end, she knew nothing but love, kind words, and gentle hands telling her it will be okay. She is pain free now and running with her friends. Rest well, Belle. You deserve it.