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Volunteer Spotlight — Josie

For decades, Josie has been rescuing animals off the streets, caring for them and finding new homes. When asked how many dogs she has saved, Josie says, “I’ve lost count. It’s a revolving door.” What she does is rewarding, but exhausting – and expensive. 

That’s why she is thrilled that she found Poodle and Pooch Rescue a couple of years ago. She has been a tireless volunteer ever since.

“PPR takes charge and is organized,” Josie says. “A weight was lifted. I haven’t seen a rescue like that.”

Every dog that comes to Poodle and Pooch gets medical care, including shots, deworming and spay/neuter if needed. But it’s our dedicated volunteer fosters, like Josie, who make what we do possible.

Josie never says no. She takes on the difficult cases, and she is an expert at trapping stray dogs. “If the rescue needs me, I’m there and I will trap or do whatever is needed,” she says. 

She’s currently a long-term foster for two dogs: Olive and Groot, who were both heartworm positive when she took them in. Groot, whom she has been fostering for more than a year, also has a skin condition. She recently fostered two puppies, Benny and Bindi, who found their forever homes. She even has an old foster cat named Smokey, whom she took in when his owner went to assisted living. 

“Every time I say I’m going to take a break, it never happens. I say, ‘Sure, bring that one to me,’” Josie says with a laugh.

She always has a full house, including dogs of her own: Zippy, a 3-year-old chiweenie she fostered and couldn’t let go; and Maddie, a nearly 18-year-old border collie mix who is deaf and has anemia.  Two years ago, a vet said she didn’t have much time left. “She’s still going,” Josie says, no doubt thanks to the excellent care she provides.

We are so thankful for Josie’s unwavering dedication!

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