Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

The Joy of Fostering

We recently received this adorable photo of one of our incredible volunteers, Faiza, saying farewell to her foster dog Ariel on adoption day.

We asked Faiza to share some words and wisdom and advice with those who are thinking about fostering, but may be on the fence. Here’s what she had to say:

“Fostering these pups is such an educational and fulfilling experience. We love getting to know each new pup for their own personality, preferences, and, yes, their quirks!

It is, both, challenging and gratifying to realize that their time in our home is a very pivotal moment in their lives. Truth is, for us, they impact us as much as we may impact them. And I say this in the most positive sense – it’s a lot of love and a lot of fun.

Sometimes we must work on training and building confidence, and, of course, we do fall in love each time. We do get attached, but we remind ourselves, that LETTING GO is part of our sacrifice and contribution in helping to turn around the life of an innocent furchild who needs a little help.

Sometimes it takes some extra dedication and commitment, but the payoff to see them with their new family is always worth it! We even enjoy meeting the new families.. they are open-hearted and kind, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that they will provide a loving home to their new furbaby.

We are grateful to PPR and to our late little toy poodle, Jasmin, for opening the doors to the world of fostering and rescue for us. And we are truly grateful to the foster pups who’ve helped fill our home with love and laughter by leaving their pawprints on our hearts.”

Many thanks to Faiza, her husband Ed, and all of our amazing volunteers for showing our dogs so much love. We couldn’t do what we do without you!

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