Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Save the Leftovers – Jack & Boss

Remember these guys? Animal services received a call to check on a home where animals were living in squalor. The county made the trip, their owner agreed to surrender them and we were immediately asked to help.

Where do we begin? These guys were in bad shape. Jack, the Schnauzer mix, was so badly matted that he had limited mobility in his legs and his muscles had started to atrophy. Once we shaved him down, we also discovered that he was flea infested and had ruptured anal glands surrounded by necrotic tissue (indicating that Jack had been suffering from this for some time). His mouth was a rotten and infected mess, loaded with pockets of puss. He had a bilateral ear infection, his skin was infected and raw, and his toe nails were so long that they curved into the pads of his paws.

Boss, the pudgy Chihuahua, fared a little better by not having long fur that matted. Just like Jack, he was covered in fleas with overgrown toenails, his skin needed some help, and his teeth were atrocious. He was said to be living on fast food, which explains the extra weight he was carrying.These poor pups lived in their own filth – they had garbage, urine, and feces surrounding them.

Thanks to your donations, we could offer them a better life. Please consider a donation of $10 (or more) to our Save the Leftovers campaign by December 6th so we can reach our goal of $10,000 to help us save more dogs like Boss and Jack. To donate, simply click here: Or donate through Venmo: @Poodleand-PoochRescue. Thank you for making a difference!

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