Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Rescued, Redeemed, Restored—Betty Boop’s Long Journey To Trust

TRUST—is a five-letter word that is intimately and simultaneously connected to the past, present, and future.

For some, the ability to trust comes easy and might even be taken for granted. But for others, it is a painstakingly long and tedious journey that never really ends. 

The latter was the case for Betty Boop.


The only type of existence that Betty Boop knew was the more than five years she spent outside, in a cage. She was simply a “means to an end” for an irresponsible and greedy backyard breeder. 

Her interactions with humans can only be described as the bare minimum. Someone provided her with food and water. And then someone always took away her puppies.

As a purebred Miniature Schnauzer, she merely represented dollar bills. Betty Boop was one of over 40 dogs that existed this way on the property. There were no attempts to develop friendships or build relationships of trust between the owners and the dogs they exploited.

Socialization of these “used” dogs was just not important.

So it was no surprise to the staff at PPR that Betty Boop—once rescued—was very afraid of humans.

The callous treatment she had received would severely handicap her from ever becoming a “normal” pet. But the hope was that time would heal and redeem some of what had been lost.


Wounds come in three variations.

There are the visual, external scars that some pups come in with. Then there are also the internal ailments that are only confirmed with testing. And finally, there are the invisible traumas that show up over time through behavior or tendencies.

Little Betty Boop had all three.

When she came into the care of PPR, she was filthy, matted, and pregnant. Her body showed clear signs of neglect.

After the initial testing, it was also discovered that, as expected, she was heartworm positive and riddled with parasites.

But it was the invisible traumas that tugged at your heart.

Betty did not understand the joy that a pat on the head could bring. Cuddles and kisses were not a part of her “worldview.” She was never sure if a person meant her harm, and as a result, an outstretched hand might be met with a fear-bite. Noises and movement would send her running away to a dark corner for hours.

The only comfort she ever had was the confidence she would feel around other dogs.

Betty was given the medical treatment she needed. And she eventually gave birth to two sweet babes.

From day one of life on this planet, they were afforded mercies and opportunities their Mama had never had—until PPR rescued her. They would be surrounded by love—receiving warm squishy kisses, kind words, soft places to lay their heads, and gentle training.

At the appropriate age, Greta and Bruno, her two pups, would find furever homes, where they would be cared for as members of the family. Although this “circle of life event” was symbolic of Betty’s past coming to a close, her future still held many obstacles to overcome.


If restoration was a recipe, it might look like this:

All of these ingredients need to be placed in a low-pressure atmosphere and in a slow cooker.

Betty Boop’s foster mom understood this and tirelessly worked to keep everything at a speed that Betty could thrive in.

Great strides were made ever so slowly.

Betty learned her name, became comfortable with her foster parents, and gained confidence from the other pups in the home. She learned to go potty outside as was modeled by her canine friends, and she kept everyone on a mealtime schedule 😊

Running around outside with the other dogs became a favorite activity, and it was even caught on camera that when the humans were away, she really let loose.

When a family that seemed to be the right fit was found, everyone rejoiced. Questions were asked, answers were provided, and careful instructions were given. The PPR family crossed their fingers, said their prayers, and hoped that the crummy cards dealt to Betty would become a distant memory.

Sadly, unrealistic expectations have a way of undermining progress.

Betty Boop was sent back after three short weeks. 

The things she needed most—time, patience, and commitment—were denied her once again.

An unknown author once said:

“Don’t lose hope.

When the sun goes down, the stars come out.” 

The PPR team involved in her care held out hope that a forever family could still be found for Betty Boop. And despite this frustrating setback, everyone’s resolve became the driving force to not give up.

A miracle DID happen for Betty Boop. And her “STARS” showed up in the form of the perfect couple, the Boyers, and their small clan of new “sisters.”

Only those closely involved in Betty’s journey would really understand the incredible magnitude of her progress.

But Betty HAS triumphed.

Thanks to the love and patience of a family—something withheld from her for so long—Betty not only experiences the sweet joy of daily pats and a safe space, but she has learned that leaning into an outstretched hand for a cuddle is a good thing.


We understand that the world of rescue can be a heartbreaking space. But it’s miracle stories like Betty Boop’s that give our team of donors, fosters, vets, volunteers, and adopters the courage to keep going.

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