Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Rescued, Redeemed, Restored—A Surgical Miracle for Twizzler

On March 23, 2021, a tiny life began her journey here on earth.

And at first, it seemed that all was well. 

This itty, bitty, teeny bundle held all the promise that each puppy starts with—sloppy wet kisses, warm furry cuddles, and boundless energy.

But sometimes, life presents challenges. And without the help of  “good samaritans,” all the PROMISE could disappear in a moment.


Seven short weeks into her new life, a STARTLING realization was made regarding this sweet girl—she had an imperforate anus. Unfortunately, this birth defect left her with no rectal opening.

She had managed to get rid of wastes through her vagina but once she stopped nursing, and ate solid food, blockage quickly became a life-threatening danger.

The expense of such a complicated treatment led the owner to surrender this pup to a local shelter. And they, in turn, quickly reached out to Poodle and Pooch Rescue—knowing that PPR has years of experience with special needs.


This dainty girl, known as Twizzler, required a time-sensitive surgical intervention. And although there were risks involved, it was clear that this was her only shot at having a life.

To say that her story captured the hearts of the vets and donors is an understatement.

Dr. Z and Dr. C did a bunch of research on the surgical options that would work for Twizzler and then put a plan in place.

It took the expert hands of Dr. Zern to fix her fistula, pull her rectum down, and create an anus—all on her teeny, less-than-a-pound body.

Once the surgery was performed, only time would tell if it was the miracle that Twizzler needed.


10-14 days was the window of time that would determine if there would be any complications from the surgery. And while the staff watched for infection, damaging scar tissue, or incontinence, little Twizzler napped, snuggled, ate, and POOPED. 

Simple things that we often take for granted CAN really be so important.

Although she doesn’t have the sphincter muscle that would allow her to pinch off during a bowel movement, she still squats and only needs to be wiped after pooping.

Once again, a good samaritan would make all the difference in the life of this deserving baby girl.

And that is exactly what Twizzler got.

A friend of her foster mom, Christina, did not hesitate for one second when she learned of Twizzler’s special needs. Instead, she embraced this precious package wholeheartedly and set out to be her furever home.

A new life meant a new name. So Twizzler is now Lucy—a little name for a little girl.

And Lucy is ALL puppy. 

She’s silly, loving, and happy. Her toys are a DAILY distraction, and she even has a new dog sister named Harper. Her mom works from home and spoils her along with a Dad and Grandma.

It took many good samaritans to change the trajectory of Lucy’s life. 

At PPR… 

We LOVE sharing stories of rescue, restoration, and redemption. 

It couldn’t be done without the support of generous donors, self-sacrificing fosters, exceptionally talented veterinarians, and people like you opening your hearts and furever homes to these lovable pups.

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